Friday, November 9, 2007

Rising at the butt crack of dawn

all's 4:45 a.m. I've been up 45 minutes now...the java is starting to kick in. I'm going to mess around on the computer a little longer then get ready to jump on my bike and head into work. We'll see this morning just how good that headlight is!

Saturday and Sunday are the last two scheduled rides of the year with the club:( I haven't ridden with them much because of working my part time job. However, I will be riding at least one if not both of the days this weekend!

My girlfriend called me yesterday crying. Now first let me explain that only once in the 9 years that we've been good friends have I seen her cry! She's all about logic and keeping her cool. So, yesterday she calls me at work crying...her grandmother is getting worse, she has been in a nursing home for about 2 years now. She had called up to talk to her and her grandmother didn't know who she was at first. I guess health wise she's going downhill fast...the nurses told her they don't think it will be too long now. I feel bad for her, she's trying to keep it together but she was so close to her grandmother I think she's going to be a wreck! Guess all I can do is pray for her and be there when she needs me.

K, that's it. Java hasn't really woken me up yet. I'm gonna go start getting ready for work...the earlier I get there the earlier I can leave today! Hurray!

Safe and happy riding.

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