Well, I haven't been online much lately, but thought I'd check in and do a quick update.
I haven't biked much in the past two weeks. It's been COLD...and often late when I leave work.
Saturday we had an ice storm and my hubby ran my truck off the road and damaged the front end pretty well. Glad he didn't get hurt though. It's all surface damage so at least it's still driveable. I'll take pictures soon and post them!
Let's see- my class at church - I teach again tomorrow night. I'm better prepared for tomorrow's meeting, and will bribe answers out of the kids with treats! :)
Other than that, not much happening, trying to get ready for Christmas.
I bought the kids tickets to an NIU mens basketball game for a few days after Christmas, considering giving them as presents, not sure yet.
GOing shopping with Jennifer on Saturday.
Okay that's about it!
Merry Christmas Folks! God Bless!
Safe and Happy Riding to my friends that are still battling the weather - I might ride in tomorrow, depends on how much snow we get tonight!
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