Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Ride

With a new place to live comes a new work commute. I rode the Trek today since I live very close to work now - it only took about 8 minutes or so to get there - if that - not exactly sure since my computer was not working on the bike - apparently sitting through the winter my battery died. So, when I got to work I googled it from my house to work and it says that it's 2.06 miles each way - So, I was close because I said it was a mile and a half or two miles.

It was very windy this morning and a little colder than I expected - glad it was only two miles because I wasn't wearing any gloves!

REMINDER TO SELF: walk outside and see how it feels out there before opening the garage door and riding out! DUH!

Other than being a bit chilly it felt great, it felt so good to ride again! It's been a long hiatus!

I must admit - I feel like a damn walrus, all fat and blubbery!
Here's hoping I don't look like a walrus riding a bike spandex yet! I don't want to scare the drivers!

Okay, gotta run, I have to go out with Cassy and walk the dogs.

Safe and Happy Riding.


amidnightrider said...

You have done a lot since I last visited.

I know what you mean about spandex. I have seen many people who have no business wearing that stuff, and someone needs to tell them. You wanna do that?

gabby1 said...

Yes, it's been hectic around here! :) I don't think I want to tell anyone that since I may be one of the people who should not be wearing it - this is part of the reason I bought one of the skorts to go over the spandex shorts...I'm trying not to be inappropriate by being a distraction to other riders and drivers while on the road :)

Oldest kid and I are happy with the move - more area that's fabulous for walking the dogs - now that the weather is nicer that means longer walks at night and even some jogging in the morning.