Thursday, May 21, 2009

Wednesday Night Rides

I haven't been out on a good ride with my group in a long time! Since last season to be more specific.
This year it's been one thing after another keeping me off the Trek - the latest has been a need for new tires and given the financial state of the home right now I just couldn't justify it. Mike H. (aka "Dad") mentioned to my mother in law that I hadn't been out on the I told her to say "Patty said if only her dad would get her some tires she could ride"...well all joking aside - he did just that - pulled a pair of used tires he had in his garage and met me at the bike shop last night to hand them over---while giving me a hard time about not riding - and making me promise to meet them next Wednesday and do the ride. I'm going to have to really pull it together this week, get the tires on and get out there Saturday and do 40 or so miles to get myself ready for a good hard ride with these guys...I'll need a tank of Oxygen when they get finished with me next week I'm sure.

Anyway...Mike...if you read this - love ya and thanks for the tires!

Gotta run - off to ride the bikes to school and then head to work.

Safe and Happy Riding.


amidnightrider said...

Mike? You mean there are three of us reading this? Who knew? 8>)

I wish I had three. {{{{sigh}}}}

gabby1 said...

LOL I might have to take that down - no one signs up - even my friends who make comments about my blog don't sign up - so I look like that schmo talking to myself most of the time :)...