Saturday, August 13, 2011

When things go south...

What a week, what a month, what a year...things are always difficult when raising a family. It seems that each time a person turns around something is wrong, someone needs a doctor, someone needs new shoes, the car needs work, and there is never quite enough of that person or that person's money to go around.

So, while I'll probably do some complaining I will be aware the entire time that I'm not the only one. This is just a safe place to vent it all.

I have recently had to put about $500 - $600 into my vehicle, which I was not unaware needed to be done, however, it fell upon me a bit more quickly than I had anticipated.
I also missed a bunch of work due to surgery, as well as to Brendon's tests and follow ups from the fiasco with his Asthma attack in May.

Yesterday I purchased school sneakers for the 3 boys. All three boys are old enough to not be satisfied with payless shoes. I understand this as I was the oldest kid in the family and always had to hear how so & so needed this or that, and then when I was out of school my siblings started getting the nice stuff that we never could afford. This leaves me with a tad bit of resentment. So, I don't want to do that to my kids. Thus I went with the slightly more expensive although not nearly as expensive as it could have been, thankfully they can still be talked into the Nike's that are on sale or clearance. As Gaven said "Mom, payless sucks, If I am wearing payless shoes and get beaten up it will be because my shoes suck! I'd rather get beaten up because I'm wearing cool shoes and someone wants to steal them from me." That's some 13 year old logic right there!

Okay, so needless to say, I'm always stressing about money, or lack thereof or how much has been my friend said "Savings account...who the hell can have a savings account with all these kids? We live paycheck to paycheck." I concur!

This morning, I am manager at work (tomorrow also...hurray). I got ready and walked to my truck. The seat was pretty far back because this guy I'm married to was driving it yesterday. Well, I have SHORT little I hit the button to move the seat forward...and NOTHING HAPPENED! I try again...Nothing. I hit the button to move it back and it went back. I then tried to move it forward again...NOTHING...

Well, that is just fan effin tastic! I started to cry for a know, I hate spending money on stuff and it seems like nothing can ever just go right for a short period of time, especially if I'm already stressing about money. So, I go in the house, get a pillow and put it behind my back so that I can reach the damn gas & break pedals. It reminds me of the old grandma's driving their cars around when I was younger. I am taller than they were...I just have short legs. SO! It's been a steller day and it's only 10 a.m.

I didn't win the lottery either, which was disappointing, as I bought a $1.00 ticket for that 240 million jackpot. Oh well...such is my life!

Well, folks, Have a great day. I'm off to do some work. I didn't go running this morning although I should have. I figure I'll take a good long run tomorrow morning before heading to work.

1 comment:

Tricia2011 said...

sounds like a everyday mom story eh! we are always rushed for time, things always seems to go bad when we need to be somewhere, hope you have a better month hun:)