Monday, September 12, 2011


Wow, it's been a couple weeks since I logged on! I'm such a slacker sometimes.
So...latest and greatest:

August 27, 2011 - We (the kids, the grandson & daughter's friend Jeff) took the train to Chicago. Cassy had to take her board exams, and while that was occurring the rest of us went to the Art Institute. After her test was finished (SHE PASSED and is now a Licensed Cosmetologist!) we went walking through Chicago, we went through Grant Park, near the we crossed the street and followed the path over to Navy Pier where we hung out for several hours before trekking back across the city to the train station. It was  a very warm and exhausting day! By the time we got home I was ready for bed! But, it was a blast. I will load pics later, just don't know where my cord is to hook up my phone to my computer.  

August 31, 2011: Brendon had a procedure done on his heart at Christ Hospital in Oak was a very long day, but it went well and he was in recovery by about 1 p.m.

September 6, 2011: School started! Thank Goodness, those kids were starting to go stir crazy!

That's the latest and greatest from this end of the things.

Trying to get everything in order for the craft sale.

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