Thursday, March 8, 2012

PattyPixx Photography/Shooter

So...this is the name I've chosen for a side business I have started  fallen in to. I was at a birthday party (held in a bar) last Friday night. A band was playing at this bar. My husband and I arrived a bit early and while sitting there having a drink the band was setting up, we happened to have gone to high school with the drummer of the band, and began talking to him. We also know the backup singer, who is a friend of my sister in law, as well as the lead singer, who used to be my neighbor when I was in high school (I really don't think he remembers me). They asked me to use their little snap & shoot camera to take a couple pictures of them and I happened to say something about wishing I had brought my camera...this led to a conversation about what kind of camera I have, do I do photography ended up with a commitment on my part to come the following night to the place they were playing to do a photo shoot and get some shots together for the promo packs they want to send out.

Saturday night...scared out of my mind that my camera would malfunction etc...I went to their gig...I shot photos and I had a blast...I felt so comfortable and in my element. I mean: I love music, almost any genre and I love go to shows, get to watch not only the show itself but all the stuff that goes on with the band setting up etc. is such a neat experience.

I played with the pictures a little bit, and then worked on the promo pack cover with them and by Tuesday night had completed the project, been paid and ate dinner with the lead singer.

It was a thrilling experience and I am currently waiting on business cards to arrive, have another photo shoot with another local band set up, as well as Senior pictures, pictures for a lady from a hospice company who wants pics of her daughter.

I also have a meeting set up for the Sunday following my return (leaving tomorrow morning for a visit with my baby sister in North Carolina and then will return Tuesday night) with a person who promotes local bands and helps them get scheduled for shows. He has agreed to work with me and throw my name to the bands he works with as well as the venues where he gets them booked for shows to assist me in getting a foot in the door. :)

If you happen to be in the Dekalb area (or want to travel) the band, Shooter will be playing at the Hometown Bar on Friday March 23 at 9:30 p.m. Come out and see them, come out and visit with me...

If you are on facebook feel free to stop by my photography page and Like it :)

 Time to catch some ZZZ's before heading off to my vacation husband, my camera, and I. Be safe...hope to see some people at the show.

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