Sunday, May 13, 2012

This is what weekends should be like

Happy Mother's Day to all the under appreciated mom's out there! I say under appreciated because when I was a stay at home mom a lady in the school district office said "what's your occupation?" I said "stay at home mom" she replied "so you don't have an occupation." That tweaked me (it seems that isn't something that is rare). So, to all mom's Happy Mother's Day!

Today I received a beautiful necklace from my oldest that has two heart shaped diamonds connected inside a sterling silver circle and that says something about mother's and daughter's having two hearts connected as one.
The rest of the family got me a new nonstick griddle (apparently telling me they don't like waiting on pancakes from a skillet).

Late in the morning we headed out to Bob's great aunt's house in the country. They have a huge property and lots of places for everyone to wander and explore. I took my camera, of course, and took some pictures that I'm very happy with.

This was a great weekend and a wonderful end to the weekend! Now I'm waiting on the hamburger meat to cook (hubby is handling this job) and then we will have taco's for dinner. My daughter's boyfriend, Kyle, is finally here (He had car trouble that made him get here 4 days later than expected).

I am very thankful today for the opportunity to be a mother to my children and a grandmother! I am also thankful, that even through the rough times, my family has managed to stick it out!

 My daughter and grandson. 
 Another of the two of them!
 I am absolutely in love with this picture of them. The way they are both looking at each other just makes me smile! 
 My eldest child, my baby girl...who will turn 20 in a few days and who has amazed me with her gentle heart, her capacity to accomplish her goals even when faced with so many challenges.
This is Cassy's best friend Jeff, who is also Caiden's Godfather, and who has become since sometime in high school one of my own, if not by blood or name certainly by love :) 

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