Monday, January 30, 2012

Another weekend in the books...

The weekends go by too quickly and I don't like it! Not that complaining gets me anywhere but you know.

Lots of stuff accomplished this weekend.

Saturday we went to a co-workers house: her water heater had broken and caused so much damage in her basement; her basement is huge, pool table, bar, couch, recliner, storage area for so many things was a huge disaster. We helped her fill a dumpster with the things that were ruined from the water damage. It was cold and all that but a good lesson for my kids in helping others when they need some assistance.

That was our big thing this weekend. The rest of the weekend I accomplished many little projects. I again have to spout off about flylady! I am actually enjoying my time in my home instead of feeling like I have to clean this or I have to keep cleaning because I am unable to relax due to the chaos and clutter. My laundry is finished. My house is mostly clean and decluttered. I was able to sit down quite a bit this weekend and check so many little projects off my list.

Projects Accomplished:

1. Police report about the incident at the nursing home .
2. New buttons sewed on my coworkers coat.
3. Cody's rip in his coat repaired.
4. Laundry folded, distributed to proper children/adults & put away!
5. One of my favorite shirts that ripped slightly in the seam repaired.
6. I sat down and watched a youtube video on how to crochet flowers. My chemo hats (female ones) will now have flowers! HuRRAY!
7. Cozi Calendar updated! I love this site...everyone should check it out. I have it on my phone, my oldest child and husband also have it on's an incredible tool that allows us all to stay on top of things!
8. New style hat started and almost complete.
9. Worked on an afghan.
10. Edited more photography.

What's even greater? The organization is rubbing off on the kids...yesterday all 3 boys managed to pick out  and lay out their clothes for today, packed snacks for their wrestling meet and checked their wrestling bags to make sure everything they needed was packed and ready...

I got to lay down in bed not thinking of the things I needed to accomplish around the house the following day, nor worrying about what I had failed to accomplish.

TO top it all off, we enjoyed a visit with my mother in law and my friend Traci and I was not embarrassed about the state of my home, nor was I running around trying to pick up...why? Because it was already picked up! Now that's an awesome feeling!

                                            Below: The new buttons on Amy's coat.


Sally said...

Thanks for the reminder about Flylady! I am needing this...again. I had followed her "system" for a while and it was helpful when I did it. Some of the lessons stuck with me and some haven' I went and signed up again. It's hard to break the habits of a lifetime, you know?

gabby1 said...

I hear ya. It's great if you can keep up with it, but then you fall out of doing it and it all becomes chaos again...trying to not screw up though - it's so nice being able to relax and do projects and my house is picked up!