Saturday, June 23, 2007


2:06 P.M. ---Today at 6:00 A.M. Karen and I were at the starting line for the MS Bike Tour. It was raining and had been all night. We decided to do the shorter route today since it's supposed to be nice tomorrow. It poured on us and when we returned I didn't think it would be possible for me to warm back up. It was only 61 Degrees when I made it back to the house. A couple Semi's blew past us and almost knocked us off our bikes. So, today's mileage (I rode from NIU back to my house which added to my count) was 42.85 miles. Tomorrow we are riding 75 after meeting at NIU at 6:00 A.M.

I did find it humorous that a guy who we met up with at the rest stop (he blew past us around mile 21) was asking if anyone had a cigarrette. Sounds like my husband, can smoke like a chimney and still ride faster than me!

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