Saturday, June 16, 2007

Soft Top's for Jeeps

Took Gaven to his friends birthday party today. While we were driving there he tells me that his cousin (who is over today [My mom picked him up and lives in the same neighborhood]) is mad at him because he is going to the birthday party instead of staying to hang out with him.

Later I went back out to the jeep to drive to pick Gaven up from the party...only to realize that there is a big hole in the plastic part of the jeep soft top in the back. ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? I talk to my twins who tell me that my nephew was angry and was throwing rocks at my husbands jeep after we had taken Gaven to the party.

So now I'm looking at $400.00 to get another soft top because the whole thing needs to be replaced...I'm taking donations :)

I'm a little nephew of course denies it all...but every time he's over I have to yell at him about throwing rocks, and he tends to try to break people's things when he's angry with it seems pretty probable to me.

That's my rant for the day!

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