Monday, November 12, 2007

Better Mood Today

Woke up feeling a little bit better today. I don't seem to be as grouchy! It's supposed to get into the 60's today, it's in the mid 50's right now, which beats the heck out of those cold temps I've been riding in.

40% chance of rain though...keeping my fingers crossed that I don't get any rain while riding!

That's about it...gotta get packed for work!

Today show had a segment on the oil crisis...everyone should start riding their bikes! I promise I've saved so much gas this year it's not even funny! Commute people...and most people around here live within 5 miles of where they work....join me people...jump on a bike!!!!!!!! Pedal your way to health, a cleaner environment and a less oil hungry world!

Safe and Happy Riding Folks!

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