Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Day in the ER

So an interesting few days have gone on.

Monday night (late) my daughter came in my room saying she didn't feel so good - pretty much as she slid down the wall and passed out - I carried her downstairs and fed her - she was okay after that.

Yesterday I ate lunch, a huge greek salad with chicken, got back to my desk and an hour later felt like I was having a heart attack (well, the symptoms of) and asked a nurse to check my blood sugar (I've been hypoglycemic since I was in the 8th grade) so it was a whopping 56...that's not good! After about 3 hours - some orange juice and a ham sandwich on multigrain bread I began to feel a bit better.

This morning my daughter tells me she feels a bit crummy as she's getting ready to leave - I told her to make sure she ate plenty of food and off she went - before 8 a.m. the school nurse calls asking permission to take her blood sugar - sure thing! - it's in the 70's even though she had eaten not too long before...

shortly after this - around 10 a.m. my son's school calls, Brendon is in the nurses office saying it feels like his heart is starting and stopping (sounded like heart palpitations to both the nurse and I). We decide maybe if he lays there for a little bit he will feel better - a bit after that she calls me back and asks me to come and get him or they are calling the ambulance because he's still complaining of it plus he's having a hard time keeping his eyes open, breathing is shallow -etc....I rush over - get him to the ER. That's where we sat for the day....all the while I was getting phone calls from the nurse at the high school updating me on the almost hourly blood sugar tests she was doing on my daughter - who after chowing down again at lunch managed to hit a blood sugar of 82! Hurray!

At the ER they did an EKG, blood work and a chest x-ray - yeah - nothing too off kilter - so they call the cardiologist - ours isn't in the office but his partner is - and decides that Brendon should certainly see our cardiologist ASAP - but for us to call and schedule the appointment - GGgrrrrr . I was also informed that they are going to put him on a heart monitor for a month to see what's happening. Good deal!

Cassy also has an appointment to get her blood sugar checked and a total exam by the doctor to try to figure out if it's simple hypoglycemia that she needs to manage better or something else.

That's the state of my week thus far - no ride tonight - things were a bit nutso! Very stressed about the kids health but also stressed about money, missing hours etc. Rent due this week - Lord help me!

So that's about it - opening night of the musical Cassy is in is tomorrow night. See link - my daughter is not mentioned but she is one of the prostitutes...makes a mother proud :)

Going to get off now and go do something useful with myself until Cassy gets home from the last rehearsal.

Safe and Happy Riding.

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