Thursday, December 17, 2009

2009 Drawing to a close...a few musings.

With only a week and 1 day left until Christmas, 2009 is drawing to a close. It's been a really crazy year for those of us in the Croom house.

We've been through Brendon's heart scare(s). Cassy has had a baby....My sweet, beautiful, wonderful grandson, Caiden. Bob has been diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma and begun treatments for that.

Emotionally we've been through a lot....but, we are still all here, hanging in there, falling down and helping each other up, but surviving and trusting in God, ourselves and each other to make it through all of the craziness.

We want to thank our friends and family, our co-workers and even the complete strangers that have stepped forward to assist us in various ways.

The people who have been kind enough to drop off a box of food, or send a few dollars to help with gas, the people who have called and offered to come take the kids to activities or take Bob to a treatment. The people who came out to the benefit's and spent their money to help a family that in some cases, they didn't even know. The people who helped plan and organize and donated their time for the benefit's. We thank you all! Everything that was done we appreciate more than we can possibly express.

God Bless.

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