Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A quick update:

Well, I haven't posted since I was in the ER with Brendon....

since his day at the local ER: two days later we were at an ER an hour away...much better care!

Then he was out of school the rest of the week, one day included an appointment with the electrophysiologist.

So, he's had a heart monitor since the first week of January and will continue to use it until February 6th.

Also since then Bob had chemo and again no Bleo....but the nurse went to get a blood return and he felt a pop, came off the chair and was uncomfortable the rest of the day - and the next day....we ended up back at the oncologists office, then 2 days later ended up at the hospital where they found that when the nurse pulled back they actually looped his tubing on the port....OUCH! So, we are now waiting to hear back from the oncology office to see if he will need another surgery or not.

I have a bit of a tickle in my throat so I'm heading to bed...besides...almost 10 p.m. and 4 a.m. will be here very soon!

Thanks for the continued prayers of our friends, families and the perfect strangers who are kind enough to care.

Hoping for a warm day soon so I can jump on the Trek and go ride a good 25 miles and just enjoy and forget for a little bit!

Happy Riding!

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