Tuesday, August 23, 2011


I tOok inventory this evening of the crafts I have completed & the supplies I have for more. I have 13 children's chemo caps & 9 adult chemo caps. 19 dish rags from yarn. 9 baby blankets, mostly pink & or variegated colors, however 1 is yellow so could be for a boy I suppose. I have a throw blanket that has a very deep pretty purple with verigated yarn thrown in. As well as 3 purses that are almost complete. I need to buy the material to sew in to them so that they can ve lined.

Other than working on chemo caps I also am working on a throw that is made from Lion brand homespun yarn. I picked up 32 Skiens for $20.00 at a garage sale.

Bonnie, my mother in law & I are considering getting a booth at the Sycamore Pumpkin Festival. Hopefully I can sell some stuff to get more money to get more yarn for the chemo caps, I can make about 4 a day because I can never sit & actually spend more than about 30 minutes at a time working on them.

Okay, need to take off. It's late & I'm tired. Rain in the forecast for tomorrow so certainly not riding to work.


Anonymous said...

I really liked the article, and the very cool blog

Sally said...

So, I was thinking...if you were willing to take a drive over here, I have quite a bit of yarn that I would LOVE to give you, if it is what you are looking for! I could almost bet that you might be able to find fabric to line your purses here, too.

I have a bunch of acrylic yarn that I definitely have no plans for. Think about it and let me know! Or, if you want me to send pics or something before you decide, I could do that, too.