Friday, October 5, 2007

Homecoming Week

Was this week....and of course goes through the weekend. Last night was the bonfire, which Cass didn't go to because she and Luke were out. Tonight was the homecoming football game (which I can hear as I'm sitting in my house since I'm so close to the stadium). As my daughter is leaving for school she tells me she's not coming home before the game..."How are you going to eat dinner then?" I question her.
"I won't" is her reply.

I'm standing in the kitchen thinking 'holy crap, that's almost 12 hours without food by the time she gets back to the house tonight' which is a totally unacceptable thing as far as I'm concerned.

I, of course, have no cash on me since Bob took the rest of my cash for gas in my guzzling gasoline machine the Suburban. I called a friend, who teaches at the school and asked her to loan Cass 5 bucks till I see her this weekend. This works out fine so a little relief.

Tomorrow I don't have to work thankfully, but am going to try to get a bike ride in before the kids wake up in the morning. Cassy has the homecoming dance tomorrow night followed by band competition on Sunday. Sunday the buses are expected to arrive back at 11 p.m. ***Does the school think that just because they don't have classes on Monday that none of the parents have to go to work the next day....I have to be back up before 5 a.m. Monday morning...upsetting to say the least*** Now don't get me wrong...I know all the rhetoric about sacrificing for our kids but dang....I'm getting old and staying up that late is hard!

Okay there's my rant for the day!

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