Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Good advice from a baby sis...other misc.

Today I called my little sister (dare I mention I did that while at work) and was discussing the outcome of the court case with her. We were discussing forgiveness...not necessarily being like "hey it's all okay, we're cool...no big deal" but rather forgiveness from the point of view that there isn't a rage left inside of us that we are able to move on with our lives and not think about it daily...

She said I need to get to the point of forgiving him because it's what God expects...I replied that I am aware that forgiveness is necessary...yet, I can't seem to wrap that around myself....

she went on to say that if I were to die on my way home from work (nice huh?) that she doesn't think I'd be held accountable for not getting to the point of forgiveness yet, especially since I've spent a great deal of time stressing about this and praying about it, but rather that it's understandable to be angry and to need time to get to forgiving.

Since when did my baby sister get a) religious and 2) good at giving advice? lol!

It was what I needed to hear...made me feel a little more at peace.
I kept getting asked today if I was okay....apparently everyone thinks if I'm quiet that something must be wrong lol...I need to work on being quiet more often I guess! What can I say other than.....me and my big mouth :o)~

I've considered giving up speaking during lent but I'd probably totally screw that up!
Tomorrow's forecast is calling for rain/snow...should be a fun ride into work! I'm hoping for an easy ride in and out. I have to teach the baptism class tomorrow night. Which is good...being involved at church makes me feel better about everything else...makes me feel closer even if I'm struggling with things. So, I think it's o.k. to pray for decent riding weather. I don't want all my books for class to get soaked.

I'm considering leaving work early tomorrow and heading down to the Catholic Book Store to pick up something...not sure what...but I'll know when I see it. Whenever I'm struggling I go spend money LOL! Usually on my bike or on books....bad habit? Maybe...but I always feel much better afterwards...and that's what it's all about heehee!

Is anyone else as painfully aware as I am today of how close it is to Christmas and yet I have no shopping accomplished...or not enough to make it worth discussing? Oh man, it's gonna be a bad scene if I don't get in gear on this one!!!

All right everyone, thanks for stopping by, thanks for reading and please leave comments.
Happy and Safe Riding my friends!

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