Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Insomnia and other things to blab about

For the past week I've been going to bed around midnight with a lot of tossing, turning and waking up during the night. Then I'm back up at 4:30 a.m. What the heck is that about? I don't like it. Maybe all the biking is just giving me so much energy....I like that Idea much better than I like the idea that I'm getting older and insomnia and other such issues are setting in.

Well no bungee cords means I don't know how I'm sticking my backpack onto my bike rack and holding it there during the commute today...this could be a problem...again, proving that I'm a moron when it comes to bikes. I should have planned this out a bit better and bought the damn bags specifically made to go on the problem would be solved. Although knowing me I'd run into another odd problem.

Yesterday after Bob left for work and as I sat around waiting for the kids to get up I decided that my sweatpants needed some modifications. It's very hard to find pants that are tight on the calf so that they don't billow out while riding...thus causing them to catch on the chain ring, which would then cause me to crash and probably injure myself badly. So, I decide to cut into my pants along the leg, cinch them up and sew them tight. It worked...both legs look the same, they don't look ridiculous, at least not from my biker need perspective...although most of us roadies look ridiculous to the general public I suppose...but I'm good with that. Anyway, I decided that I needed practicality and that it would be wasteful on my part to go spend a hundred bucks on a pair of winter biking pants...(I'm sure I'll kick myself in the pants later for this but for now I'm happy with myself). I can wear my biking shorts underneath which gives me the padding I need to keep my butt from being sore...and I didn't spend a hundred bucks. I think I'll end up buying some long underwear to go along with it. Stayed warm yesterday commuting and it was 32 degrees with 23 mph winds or so. So, I apparently did something right...hurray!

What else? nothing. That's about it. It is currently 27 degrees's hoping it warms up in the next 2 hours.

Have a great day everyone. Thanks for stopping by and reading my blurbs...inconsequential as they are. Happy and Safe riding to ya!

Oh yeah and if you are in Illinois and driving your car...give all of the bikers you see 3 feet of room when passing us...IT'S THE LAW!!!!

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