Thursday, December 20, 2007

Bike- ism's

I've realized that since I started really getting into biking I've become a little different. I think people driving cars half a mile to pick up a pack of smokes are obnoxious. I think people are in too much of a hurry all the time. I think the world would be a better place if people would slow down, show a little love and make a little room. Everyone should jump on a bike and pedal around for a day - seeing the world from that vantage point (even the world we are used to seeing everyday) makes everything seem so different. I find that my stress level has decreased a great deal. I find myself sitting at work daydreaming about a bike I'd like to ride or about a route I'd like to take instead of thinking of how to rob peter to pay paul.

I've also realized that biking is probably not going to help me lose weight. I like food too much, I like good meals with lots of bread and butter and meat. But, I also know that I can go ride 100 miles and still head to the park afterwards with my kids for a game of baseball.

I've realized that no matter what my body looks like I like myself...alot, and apparently so does my husband :) . I know that I'm not everyone's favorite person and that some people just aren't going to like me...and that's okay...there are people I don't like either.

I've realized that I like going a little slower than everyone else. I like the smell of freshly turned dirt in the spring and fall as I ride in the country next to the fields. I like living in my little corn field town. I wish it weren't growing as fast as it is...because the new people don't understand it. I like the smell of rain and fresh cut grass as I pedal my way around town.

Biking has brought a new reality and joy into my life and I'm so thankful to have found it.

I also have to say that I really love my biking club. Those people immediately accepted me, it didn't matter if I was a professional anything or not, my income level didn't matter, it didn't matter to them if I rode an old steel hunk or a brand new shiny racing bike...they see another biker - a new friend - a comrade to ride the roads's an amazing feeling to be immediately accepted!

I'm feeling the love tonight! God kind to each other...and slow down...enjoy life...when you die you won't regret the time you spent enjoying things, but you will regret how much time you spent running around that you didn't pay attention to what happiness was waiting right in front of you if you had slowed down and opened your eyes.

Happy Riding my friends.

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