Friday, January 18, 2008

Bad Kids....

For those of you who follow my blogs you may remember the kid who choked Brendon on the bus at the beginning of the school year. Well, apparently he has not learned a lesson and today dragged Gaven and smacked his back against a bunch of rocks in the yard by the bus stop.

I've had it...if the school won't do something about it - and technically they were still at the bus stop which is according to the school (when it's convenient to them) considered school property, well I guess I'll have to take it further.

I will file a report with the police tomorrow. This is the second time the kid has physically assaulted one of my children. I will send an email to the school and let them know what happened expecting to hear a response back before the end of the school day on Tuesday.

Bullying kids is not acceptable behavior, physically assaulting them, according to the schools own rules is unacceptable. Yet, this kid keeps doing it and getting away with it. I guess two college kids in a car stopped and yelled to break up the "fight". If that's what you can even call it, Gaven started trying to kick him to get him off of him...

How sad!

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