Sunday, January 27, 2008

Warming up but not thawing out

Well we are warming up a bit - still not enough to thaw out, however, I'll take it.

Current weather in the Azores for those that care ... 64 F. Current weather in my neck of the wood 12 F. That's a 52 degree difference that makes me long for the country I should be living in.

Since I'm not, let me move forward. I'm debating whether it would be wise to ride into work tomorrow or not. No final decision yet...will let you know.

Nothing exciting has happened this weekend, it's been a typical weekend. Yesterday we cleaned house until lunch time - big house lots of kids, it went quickly and they all cooperated. Since they all did such a good job getting things done we all walked up to Jimmy Johns for lunch. After that we stayed in all night. I must admit that I didn't make dinner - it was a fend for yourself kind of night and everyone vegged out on the couches watching Fearful Planet (I really recommend watching this show it was fabulous), followed by Minute Men (on Disney channel). Then the boys and Bob watched a movie and I went upstairs, got comfy on the bed and started reading a book given to me by a friend (romantic vampire novel) passed the time nicely.

This morning I'm working on my grocery list. After going grocery shopping I plan on doing the always dreaded laundry and then making tacos for dinner.

Be happy and safe!

1 comment:

amidnightrider said...

Why and I going to Portugal?
Chourico Bomba
Benfica, Sporting, Porto

St. Miguel, Maderia, Tecera

Fado. Enough reasons? No.

My hometown which is about 60% Portugues has the biggest Portuguese feast in the world.
Portuguese Feast Photos

Last night wifey and I dined Portugues with out friends the Johnsons. at Antonio's in New Bedford.