Friday, April 25, 2008

Thundering into Friday

Today we are in for thunderstorms. I like a good thunderstorm - I just pray for a break in the weather on the way in and home.

This morning I had the rare opportunity to sit outside for a few moments enjoying my cup of coffee and absorbing the smells and sounds of early morning. It's nice to get that kind of peace to start the day off. Sitting out there even for a short time makes everything in the world, all of our petty worries and even some of the bigger ones, seem so...stupid! Life seems so much simpler when we have time to step back and enjoy the ride of life.

Revised goal for the summer - take more time to enjoy the world around me by:

1. spending more time on my porch in the early morning hours
2. spending more time on my bike
3. taking more little rides with the kids
4. not spending so much time stressed out
5. not worrying about whether the kitchen is spotless or all the laundry is done
6. taking Sunday morning walks with Cassy and the dogs

All right, time to start the fun that will be Friday (unfortunately my work week will not be done today - I have to cover a shift tomorrow night...but that means a few extra miles on the bike...{see there's always something positive}).

Have a great day everyone and Safe Riding!

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