Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Weekly Roundup of Information

Okay, it's Wednesday and I've been a little lax in making sure I get online to write on this blog...Sorry!

So, here's a quick update!

Sunday was nice, the kids played all day with their friends, I was the house to be at as the boys friends were all here...they built a fort in the back yard (think 8 - 10 yr olds) and grouped up trying to take each others areas. It was fun watching them, I fed them ice cream...I'm sure that made everyone happy. This was basically a repeat of what they did on Saturday afternoon.

Monday wasn't nearly as nice but what are you going to do...Spring in Northern Illinois. It was still pretty decent and I of course rode to work after riding the boys to school...this meant that I got to leave work early to pick them up and ride home with them...the only bad thing was the wind, Brendon had a hard time with all of it and really had to work at staying upright :)

Yesterday was very chilly, overcast and by mid morning it was pouring rain. By mid afternoon as I was getting ready to leave work it was thundering and lightening...just as I was walking into the bathroom/locker room my phone rang - Hubby "Are you still at work?"
Me "yep...why?"
Hubby "Till how late?"
Me "I'm just getting ready to leave."
Hubby "Well, I'm about 15 minutes from town but I'm picking you up, I don't want you riding home with all this lightening."

Isn't he sweet?

So, I'm counting the day as a commute day- I rode in and had every intention of riding didn't cooperate & that's not my fault!

Today I'm riding in as well, this will be 25 work commutes for the year. I think I'm getting close to 300 miles for the year. So, I'm certainly ahead of where I was last year...I think at this time last year I only had about 20 miles in.

Today is also payday. I have to say I'm thankful for it, especially since I already have it spent on bills ! I guess that's the way it always goes. I really had hoped to order those bigger panniers so that I can grocery shop but I will wait a couple weeks till next payday.

Oh, and I received a call yesterday from Denise at the church, she wanted to confirm that I'm still going to teach the RCIC class in the fall, which I am, and which I'm super excited about! She also wanted to have me decide what day I wanted the church for the retreat in had forgotten about the retreat- so I told her we would do it the same weekend as Larry does it for the RCIA...maybe we can even combine the adults and the kids for lunch so that they can get to know each other.

All right, gotta run...almost time to go and the boys are starting to get off track.

Safe and Happy Riding!

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