Friday, July 25, 2008

It never fails...!

What never fails you might be asking yourself? What never fails is that when I am the designated late manager at the facility things happen that just don't happen to the other managers.
In the 4 years I've been at the company on days I've been late or weekend manager the following is a short list of just a few of the things that have happened while I've been a manager on duty.

Example 1: Two nurses get into a verbal fight - that just keeps going and going...
Example 2: Whole groups of staaff just don't show up for work..I don't mean a couple of people, I mean so many people that departments aren't going to be able to do their jobs because they are so short handed.
Example 3: A nurse chases me down, gets in my face and starts yelling at me about something - that I have no clue about - ends up she thought I was someone else! HA!

So, tonight shouldn't be any different right? Right! I got to work at 6:15 a.m. I work all day, take a 30 minute lunch and then at the end of the day as everyone else is leaving inquire about possiblity of any admissions in the evening - of course the two admissions we were expecting during the day hadn't come - so both show up after most everyone else (management) is gone. I run around trying to get people settled in and all that jazz. I go round up dinner for them - the one family decides they are going to take the new resident out for dinner because they came from some distance away and are all hungry. I explain the visiting hour procedure, what happens if they aren't to the building in time and all that jazz...of course by this time it's already 30 minutes after I should have left the building for the night - instead I'm stuck waiting for them to come back to do paperwork...which they refused to do before leaving (believe me I tried to get it done before they left). At 8:15 they still weren't back. I finally just left - I was exhausted and my kids were very hungry for a decent meal. I don't know if the lady ever came back - yeesh! Other than that it was actually a very good day. I didn't get in trouble for anything. The administrator continued being kind...I think he's starting to mello out a bit (praying for this to be the case). All of my work is done, for now, I mean when I go back Monday there will be a whole new week worth of stuff to accomplish, but all in all, I've had a long, but productive and relatively calm day.

Anyway, I'm very tired - I'm going to hit the bed soon. Tomorrow I was planning on riding to Kirkland but after being at work so late tonight I may stay home with the kids and just take a quick trip out on the bike at 5:30a.m. head over to Waterman and then come back and bake some blueberry muffins for the kids and myself - I've now lost 20 lbs so I think I can eat 1 big fat blueberry muffin...right? RIGHT!

Ride safe -

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