Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Picnic in the Park

I was lucky enough to have today off. Cassy went to Band Camp and the boys and I made peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and then jumped on our bikes. We rode to their school where I had to drop off some additional paperwork. We then rode to the middle school where the high school band is having their camp, they enjoyed watching Cassy and the other kids practicing. We stayed for about 30 minutes before jumping back on the bikes and riding over to the new playground at Hopkin's Park. They played on the playground and we also played catch with the baseball - Gaven is getting a pretty good arm on him! The whole thing didn't last too long before they decided they wanted to eat - so we hopped back on the bikes, rode the bike trail to the gas station and picked up a drink and a bag of chips then rode the trail to Annie's Woods where we sat down and ate lunch. They played on the playground there for a while and then we rode home. It was a fun time.

Anyway - that was my day - I cleaned a little before the kids got up this morning and then after we came back home I picked up a bit more but other than that I've just sat around enjoying the day with the boys.

Ride Safe!

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