Thursday, September 4, 2008

Can people live without the drama?

As I was grabbing my things to leave work I received a text message from a girl in another department. She wanted to know if I had shared a note that another girl had written which she had shown me. I saw the note, I laughed, I moved on with my day. After several more text messages she informs me that her department manager told her that I had distributed the note to all the other department heads ( to make her look bad...which I assure you is not something anyone needs to do...she manages that task just fine without assistance) I will say this, there is no doubt that I believe this department head is an idiot and I am amazed that she can keep a job...however, sharing a note, which I did not write, nor that I necessarily agree with (she was called an idiot in it but it also went on about other things that I did not feel were issues)...would be something I don't really care to do, if for no other reason than I really just want to go to work, get my crap done and collect a paycheck at the end of the payperiod my agenda does not include being involved in drama.

I am going to go out on a bit of a limb and say that I believe the department head that the letter was written to is still angry because I called her out on some things recently and she didn't like it - as a matter of fact she had a lot of rude things to say about me to everyone else in the building. I wonder how she pulled out of her nether region the idea that I had distributed the stupid letter - again, making her look dumb isn't something others need to do.

I am a little aggrivated that I am being drawn in to some ignorant drama that I have nothing at all to do with. BLEH!

Don't we have enough drama in our lives? I mean do any of us truly need more things to worry about or more problems to deal with? I have plenty...including the busing issue with my kids, their heart condition, my husbands bum shoulder, my own medical conditions, etc etc....I just want to go to work and be left in peace! DAMNIT!

Okay, that's all for now...pouring rain today - so the ride in was very wet and then of course none of my clothes was dry when I went to leave so I was already wet before I even left work - it was really coming down on my way home - which I didn't think was possible since it felt like it was coming down as hard as possible this morning....apparently I was mistaken! LOL ! I was told I was nuts a few times today as people came by and asked if I had ridden my bike today. You would think that after two years of riding almost daily they would know better than to ask me...I'm like the damn postal workers...neither rain nor snow....

Happy Riding folks. I have an Open - House for my 3 boys to go to tonight!

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