Monday, September 15, 2008

A Little Flooding Along the Kishwaukee RIver

The Kishwaukee River has overflowed it's banks once again following many days of rain. The weather man had called for an end to the rain yesterday around 4:30 p.m. ...He was wrong- It continued to rain through most of this morning.
The boys and I rode our bikes to school and of course I was soaking wet - it was a bad scene - especially since I didn't look outside but had taken the weather guy at his word and figured it certainly had stopped - HAHAHA! What a dumb thing to do - so my makeup was a bit of a mess by the time I made it to work. UGH!

Anyway, enjoy the pics. I jumped off my bike while going over the wooden bridge on the bike path to take these. I'm off to look for what in the world I should make for dinner!

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