Thursday, September 11, 2008

First night of R.C.I.C.

I may have mentioned in the past that I am teaching a class at church. Tonight was the first meeting of the R.C.I.C. group - It went really well. I've got all teenagers - this is so much easier for me - I know that may sound bad -but you can talk to teenagers (they are high schoolers) in a way that you can't with younger kids, you can be more open about subjects, you can expect that they will question and converse and reason things out - I like that. It's stimulating - I enjoy that kind of interaction. So, I'm happy to say that the first meeting went off without a hitch - and that we enjoyed ourselves. I really like the group I've got - and I hope it continues to go well!

Okay, I'm exhausted. I've got to get a blood draw in the morning for the doctor - he wants to find out what else is going on with me before we go anywhere about my heart murmur... I do wonder if that is somehow causing me to lose some of my speed with riding - it seems like the last month or even month and a half I've been slower than I was before and seem to have to struggle a little more to hit the speeds I was hitting before....UGH!

Ride Safe!

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