Wednesday, September 10, 2008


So, today I heard from Ron - it doesn't happen all that often. He stopped by tonight. Hung out a while - the kids all love him ---of course the kids love him - all kids do...well, Cassy excluded- but if she were around him long enough she would again too. She's just mad because he took her Aunt Missy away from her and now Aunt Missy is still gone but Ron is back.

Anyway, Ron is still Ron ... does that make sense? lol not if you don't know him I suppose.

So some history is in order - Ron is Bob's best friend from High School. They always hung out - if Bob was somewhere usually Ron, Chas and I were as well...(Chas used to be Ron's girlfriend). We were a little foursome who hung out - we were all friends, together, separately etc. Ron was always the life of the party - the life of everything - if Ron was around - it was fun...great stories, funny as all get out - just plain FUN! Then Ron and Chas broke up - a couple years later Ron blew town and went to North Carolina...bam - we rarely hear from Ron - we never hear from Chas - (that was okay - she and I got into it there in the end because of her thoughts that she could make decisions about Cassy). So, Ron comes around when his brother got very ill - we hang out - we think Ron has settled down a bit - but that turned out to be an inaccurate assessment of the situation. After his brothers funeral Ron went wild...he was already wild...I'm talking downward spiral wild! During this time he and my sister got together. They were together for several years but it all ended badly - so, he moved back here.

Fast forward a few months - he comes to the house today - 2nd time since he's been back. Anyway, nice visit - but still Ron - at least he is more understanding these days of the fact that those of us with children (or multiple children) can't go hang out elsewhere all the time - if you want to see us you have to come over or set something up ahead of time ...end of story!

I know Bob hopes he comes around more - Bob misses that friendship with him - he misses having another guy that he's close to. So, for his sake I hope Ron sticks around and renews the friendship.

That's it for now - I have to pick up Sassy Cassy from band practice in a few.

Ride Safe!

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