Friday, December 12, 2008

The Flat Tire Card....

The other day I stopped in the bike shop on my way home from work. I have used all my extra tubes and thought it best to go get some more considering the luck I've been having in the past month with flats.

Tobie was there (I don't think there's very often I walk in that he's not there) and has started growing chops - okay I think it's funny - but hey whatever floats your boat. Hubby was impressed with them because he seems to be unable to grow them - he tries to blame this on his American Indian heritage - I'm not sure I buy it though.

So, I tell Tobie that I need a couple more tubes, at which point he pulls out a card that's had me quietly chuckling to myself the past two days...okay not just to myself - Ashley in housekeeping who used to race mountain bikes and I laughed as well.
Now, don't get me wrong it's a nice idea - especially as a stocking stuffer as Tobie pointed out to my dear husband. However, the more I have thought about this the more amused I've gotten and perhaps I'm a little slaphappy but - 1. I need to talk Tobie into adding a roadside service with the purchase of this card. I mean fix a flat is a great idea but I still have to get the bike with the flat tire to the bike shop in order for it to get fixed. At which point I'm still stranded on some snow/ice covered road or path with a flat tire and hands that do not want to come out of their cozy George Hincape gloves. However, if they offer roadside assistance I'll buy it up in a heartbeat. Tobie needs to add Perks! Perks are good!
This is really what has had me chuckling...So, I walked out with 2 new tubes. Happy day!

Is it weird that new tubes make me happy? Bob says it is. I however think it's like my happiness at getting a new pen or stationary! It's just how I am.

Madison Bike Swap meet on January 10th. I can't wait! I got some great deals last year and I am going to look for a decent bike for Cassy - she wants to start riding with me and since I do not have permission to go buy myself a new Orbea thus passing down my Trek (mine is blue instead of white as in the link) to her , I need to find her a cheap but decent road bike to ride with us.

Ride safe and stay warm!

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