Monday, December 29, 2008

My dear Gregory...

I talked to Gregory yesterday. Okay, calling him Gregory is weird because he'll always be my Greg! The person who taught me so much about just living in the moment and loving what has been given to you.

It was the first time I've talked to him in....FOREVER. At least 9 years - maybe longer!

We used to rollerblade through Sinnissippi Park in Rockford and take breaks to smoke - for the purpose of recharging our batteries! LOL!

Since then we've both come a long way. Both of us have stopped smoking. We have both at some point gotten into running (him much more than me!) Now we have both gotten into cycling.
I love it! I hope to go to Madison and meet up with him sometime soon.

We talked for almost 2 hours...I could have talked longer but my mom was on her way over and I needed to get the food cooked.

I hope we don't lose touch again - he's so amazing and dynamic!

Sometimes we lose touch with people and it's the best thing that could happen - other times we lose touch and a part of our lives seem to be missing. Greg certainly fits into the latter category!

Safe Riding my friends - temps are supposed to hit 40 F today - so as soon as the sun rises I'm off to get those last 10 miles in so that I can reach my goal mileage for 2008. After today (barring all forseeable problems and many unforseeable ones) I'll have 2500 miles in for the year which is my goal! my friends at the bike shop would say - Keep the rubberside down!

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