Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Wish I had a rain coat...

because I would go play in the rain with the kids. It was almost 60 degrees with rain today - but it was so very nice out there - I really just wanted to go for a walk in the rain, or sit on the porch with a hot cup of coffee and enjoy the sound and smell of it.

My favorite smells are the smell of rain (yes it does have a smell) and fresh cut grass....combine the two and I'm super happy!

Today was hectic at work - I was on a deadline to get some information to our corporate office - unfortunately all that information was in a storage shed - so I had to get Oly to go get it for me - then I had to go through the boxes and find what I needed. Thankfully I'm anal retentive about labeling things - so everything was easy to find. It was tedious work though and I finally wrapped it up at 2:45 p.m. I started the project this morning at 6:30 a.m. I'm thankful that it's done and I don't have to go back to it tomorrow. Instead I get to grab my insurance book and start calling insurance companies to find out why they haven't made the Medicare A and Medicare B coinsurance payments to the facility ---I believe though that the main reason some companies are behind can be blamed on the same reasons we are all robbing peter to pay paul - the economy sucks and no one has any money to pay their bills....but I still have to call :)

Tomorrow is also my day for bringing the group lunch. Wednesday's have been designated as our "luncheon" day, there is a group of 8 of us girls who eat lunch together so every Wednesday two of us are grouped together and take turns bringing a lunch dish and dessert. Tomorrow I'm bringing Mostoccioli which I just finished making and Mary is bringing the dessert for the group...let's just hope I remember to take it in with me in the morning!

Okay that's it for now - I have to get my lecture together for my Thursday night class since we will be discussing Holy Week and Easter.

Safe and Happy Riding!


amidnightrider said...

Wifey go to say good bye to a dog we have been working hard to get adopted. Prince finally got a home after 8 months in the pound.

It's on my blog.

Dogs are very cool.

amidnightrider said...

Oops. This belongs two entries down. That's what I get for reading too many at once.