Tuesday, September 14, 2010

What a freakin' day!

My day started out early - as usual, with my husband running late and one sick child (who began complaining last night but the dr's office was closed and the answering service told me they'd be in first thing in the morning).
Really, the only good part of my day was my time spent at the gym running - and I assure you that was a rough run...however it was the high point in my day.
After getting to work my boss sent a stack of papers flying at me...she tossed them across the table in my direction without saying a word. Apparently she's a little pissed at me because I'll be leaving the facility soon. (gave my two week notice and Friday is my last day). Later I sent her an email regarding the stuff on the stupid papers she tossed at me...only to get a reply back saying that I could feel free to come to her office and verify that my paperwork was in by going through the financial files...seriously? Then added to it was another love note saying that she's not angry with me but that she just wants to make sure all my work is done because it isn't fair to her or to the person who will take my place if they have to do any work that I left unfinished...seriously; has she EVER had to do my work? NO....not even when I missed 17 of the 25 days in the month that my husband was diagnosed with cancer did she or anyone else for that matter have to do my work! So - Yes, I'm angry! On top of this she then tried to throw me under the bus on an insurance problem we've been having...thanks! Glad I've spent the past 6 years busting my ass for you! That makes it all worthwhile!
To make the day even better; I call the doctors office for my son to get an appointment only to be told that the doctor is out of the country until the end of next week! Gee, wonderful. So, I shoot my husband a text and tell him we are going to have to take him to the ER...in response he goes on a tangent about how I should have done this last night when he first complained about a sore throat...and how he hates taking the kids to doctors....right on! Don't we all? Seriously, does anyone think I have enjoyed any of the thousands of hours I have had to sit in hospitals with my husband or my children? Of course not - it's not really enjoyable time to spend...however, the last time I checked I didn't sign up for single parenthood...so share and share alike especially when I'm stuck at work until 8 p.m.
So, I call his mother - who I know is off work soon - (there were still about 3 hours until my husband was getting off work)...she took him to the hospital and had him checked...he has strep throat. Soon after this finding I start getting texts from my sis in law...this makes me remember why I get so pissy with her! instead of saying something like "hey, next time one of the kids is sick please don't ask mom to be with them...she's getting older (62) and doesn't need to get sick" I get "I sure the hell hope mom doesn't get sick." "I start a new job tomorrow. Cassy and Caiden were over here yesterday. So was Ayla. This is perfect." To which I respond "Well, I hope no one else gets sick!" and she says "Oh so then its all ok. Thanks! Ya it takes mom WAY longer to recover. This was not a smart move!"
 My reply was "point taken thanks"
The reply I really wanted to send was more like "Hey, piss off - people get sick and your moms in pretty damn good health so why don't you have a big fat cup of shut the hell up."
Right - it's been a bad day. Gonna go home - have a glass of wine or a Mike's hard lemonade or a jack daniels with some coca cola and lock myself in my room and forget about everyone for the night!
Aren't you glad you decided to read my blog tonight? LOL!          
Well, I feel better now, at least!


Sally said...

I came right over and read this the other day and then never got around to commenting. I hope the last couple days have been better :-) And, it's not like your MIL is 80 or anything. I really don't think that 62 is all that old.

gabby1 said...

Exactly. Today my SIL sent me a message asking if we were still alive lol...apparently my silence is bothering her.
And no one else got sick...so all those comments were just unnecessary.
Yes, the rest of the week was better. Had a nice going away pot luck @ Bethany on Friday & start my new job tomorrow! Keeping my fingers crossed that it is great!