Saturday, September 11, 2010

Good Run

It was raining when it was time to go for our run. So, we compromised and went to the Y to run. It was a good run...2 miles (that's right only two miles; but I didn't say it was a long run just a good one). Felt good throughout the entire two miles and ran a little faster than I have been over the past two weeks of training. Going to just slowly add mileage and speed.
I'm currently running 5 to 6 days per week and alternating distance/speed. For instance: Tuesday I did my two mile run...Wednesday I only ran 1 mile but ran it considerably faster than I've been running the two miles. I then did a core workout to follow up the short run. This is the pattern and it's working as I've dropped several pounds already.

That's about it for today - I'm making spaghetti with Turkey Meatballs for dinner! YUMMY!

Tomorrow is FOOTBALL SUNDAY! Bears game (I hope they lose) followed by a Packers game (I hope they win).

Good riding to my cycling friends - I've been back on the bike as well in the evenings with a friend who decided to take it up for fun. Feels so good to be back on the Trek and enjoying the things I did before (as my blogging friend pointed out...I took a long vacation and indeed I did...from all the things I enjoy but now I'm back to it! ).

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