Monday, February 6, 2012

The House Cafe & The Phantom Scars

Not much happened this weekend...the usual stuff, cleaning around the house, cooking, etc.
The only point of interest for the weekend was our decision to go to The House Cafe. We have gone there in the past and enjoyed ourselves and decided to go Saturday evening because the band playing, The Phantom Scars, consists of  people we went to school with at some point and there were many old faces from high school that were supposed to attend. 

It was a fun night...the old 3rd street crew was there. It was good to see some people we haven't seen since high school or shortly thereafter...that doesn't seem like a long time under normal circumstances to me, and then I realize this year is 20 years since graduation, which makes me feel OLD! 

That was the highlight of my weekend. It was a nice relaxing one. Great to see old friends, some who we haven't seen in almost 20 years and others whom we always see. 

Today I'm off to the pulmonologist's office for Brendon to have his Pulmonary Function Test. 

I'm itching to get on the bike...the temps are just about there. I will have my Gary Fisher picked up from the bike shop shortly all set for the 18 mile commute (each way). I'm so excited. I would like to purchase larger bags for the bike, but that will be later. I also am looking at a new lens for my Nikon...wish my tax return would hurry up and get here! 

Happy Riding! 

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