Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Michigan Trip today

My 19 year old is leaving for Michigan today. I always hate when she leaves as I am always concerned about her taking this very long trip by herself. She is headed up to visit her boyfriend.
Due to her recent fender bender and the work that should start on her VW tomorrow she is taking my truck and leaving me with her car ...I really don't like driving that car...too tiny! It should be an interesting week! Hopefully the car shop will call saying they have the parts and the insurance will set up the rental car that will hopefully be bigger than her VW.

Caiden is staying with us for the days she is gone (5) which also means dropping him off and picking him up at daycare. *sigh* This should get hectic. We will only have the VW and will have to figure out how to get the 3 boys back and forth, Caiden to and from daycare, myself to and from work and Bob to and from school...seems to me we may end up spending a lot of $ on gas and a lot of time wasted driving back and forth.

Anyway, that's about it. Have a great day!

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