Saturday, February 18, 2012

An interesting kind of week...

Monday at about 7:30 a.m. I began having chest pain and nausea. By 10 a.m. I was almost in tears. Working in a nursing home means that there are nurses in your business all the time...working with my daughter and nurses means my daughter tells on me constantly. Needless to say, I went to the hospital.

After a long day & night in the clue.

Got in to see my physician on Tuesday afternoon...same kind of thing, could be heart related, could be gall bladder related...hhhmmm...

Continued pain through out the week: This coming Tuesday I see the cardiologist.

Tuesday my daughter's car went in to the shop for the repairs from her January fender bender. She was unable to rent a car due to her age (only 19). I got to drive the rental car...a 2012 Dodge Charger...let me just say WOW! That was a fabulous car to drive for 4 days.

Wednesday our son met with a child psychologist who will be meeting with him often to figure out if there is cause for any type of diagnosis in the Autism spectrum.

Thursday evening I decided, after a day of worrying that I was going to drop dead, to drive to El Paso, Illinois with my husband and kids and meet up with my best friend and her family for some Monical's Pizza (the best pizza in the whole world!) It was a great evening and made even better because it was so spontaneous and it managed to work out well for all of us.

Friday I was off work to take Bob to his Pet Scan and CT Scan in Rockford. This is for his 18 month check up with the Oncologist next week. Keeping my fingers crossed. Unfortunately the dye and whatever else they inject in to him causes him to get sick...I had to pull the car over to the side of the road so he could throw up for a few minutes. :( Poor guy!

Today I worked all day. Amazingly it was a good day, a fun day and one that I very much enjoyed...


Sally said...

This does sound like a rough/interesting week! I hope they figure out the source of your pain :( A Charger sounds like a much better car to drive around than the rental that I'm driving right now (long, aggravating story).

I haven't had Monical's for a while...hopefully the next time I head down to see my family!

gabby1 said...

Thanks Sally. I see the cardiologist tomorrow 2/21.

The charger was a dream and the insurance was paying for it so I was more than happy to drive it!I hope you are able to be driving your own car again soon!

I need to have Monical's more often! It's so wonderful!