Saturday, February 25, 2012

Wind Turbines

A blogger that I talk to mentioned that there is a big dispute about wind turbines that are going up in the area that he lives in.

I thought I would post this picture from my ride in to work. The wind turbines pictured here are up and fully functional. We have had them for a couple years now and the complaining has pretty well stopped.

One of the major complaints here was that they would screw up the beautiful Northern Illinois scenery...I never thought that would be the case and at this point I must say that it adds an interesting touch to it...and it is an environmentally positive piece of machinery.

Thanks...happy Riding! Take time to enjoy what's around you!


Sally said...

This is a beautiful photo! There are a lot of these going up around home, too. I don't really think they detract from anything...of course, I don't have any near me.

In CA when I went to visit my friend, we had to drive through the mountains a bit and there were these "farms" of wind turbines...and it was like a scene from an alien planet or something...very odd, because there were just rows upon rows of them...

gabby1 said...

Thanks for the compliment Sally. I love taking pictures and would like to start getting some opportunities to do photos for different events etc. My friend who is in Rocky Horror is going to talk to his crew about letting me come in and do their photos on the next performance. I'm not even going to ask for any money for it but that way I can expose my name and try to start getting some additional work. Ultimately, this is what I would like to do instead of working a "real" job :)

I think the wind turbines are great. We ride by them on many of our bike rides as a club and I don't see all the reason for the complaints.