Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Carolina Beach

Just returned from an amazing trip to North Carolina to see my sister and Ron. I miss them so much and I have to say that I am again mentally aching for the beach. I love the sound of the ocean, I love waking up and walking the beach. I know I can't afford to live beach front in that area but to even have the option to say "oh, I am going to go to the beach today before work" would be an amazing gift.
Bob and I have looked at the colleges there for him and we are looking at possibly heading out there some time between June and August (this is contingent on many things so we may have to push it back...but I hope not). I'm tired of being land locked and quite frankly when I am able to sit on the beach I am centered and I feel like I can handle whatever is thrown my way...much more so than while land locked.

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