Monday, March 19, 2012

2nd Chi town trip for the year.

Saturday I was asked to join my friend Traci for a day in Chicago. She is a bellydance instructor but had signed up for a class on Hubbard street. So I,of course, jumped all over that opportunity.

We drove in on Rt. 64 (great way to go) then ate breakfast at a little cafe called The Breakfast Club...following her class we drove through downtown, saw the green river (we attempted to avoid all the St. Patty's Day madness other than one quick trip through downtown after the parade had finished).

We then went and visited Rosehill, St. Boniface and Graceland cemeteries...if you have an opportunity they are all 3 worth checking out. Got some great shots at the cemeteries. I admit to having an odd fascination with the statues that are in the cemeteries. We even had a creeptacular experience while in one.

Later we went to Devon Ave and ate dinner at The Viceroy of India (this place is amazing).

After, we hopped back in the car and drove to The Abbey Pub...there was a band playing Irish music, & kids dancing everywhere. It was a great evening.

Chicago is an amazing city. There is a great deal of beauty there and yet a great deal of ugliness. I find myself disturbed by the drug addicts on the sides of the streets, and the guy who drives by them in his very expensive car. It saddens me that we often have such a disregard for the human beings surrounding us because we deem them less than ourselves based on their lot in life. Yet, all of them are someones son or daughter, someones brother or sister, someones mother or father. We fail to remember that when we look at them with disgust. Some people are meek and are easily broken...our society fails them at every turn. I'll even give that some are just assholes, but a great many of these lost souls have simply been broken by the circumstances in their lives.

Off my box...have a wonderful week. Enjoy these lovely days we should continue to have this week. I know that I will be taking long evening walks with my love, and eating lots of salads because it's so darn warm out. Have a great day all!


Sally said...

There is a really interesting cemetery that is near to Brookfield Zoo...I can't think of the name, but I went there with my friend once. It's right across the way from another cemetery (where all of the Catholic cardinals are buried). Anyway, this place is soooo different than anything I've ever seen...I could have spent days in there driving and walking around.

gabby1 said...

Sally, Thanks for the tip. I will mention it to my friend, Traci. She has a ridiculous amount of knowledge about the cemeteries around the city.