Saturday, April 21, 2012

Safe Passage

Sexual Assault Awareness Month


Last night was the 2nd photo shoot of 3 I was hired by Safe Passage to do covering some of the events they had planned for Sexual Assault Awareness Month. I am honored to have been asked to cover these events, as my own story of sexual assault is always very much in the forefront of many things in my life. I do not mean to say that this is something that has affected every aspect of my life, but only that it has shaped me in to the woman I am today and did overwhelm my life for many years. However, at this point I see it not from the perspective of a victim but rather from the view point that I survived the sickness of a man who took advantage of me in ways that were pretty horrible, but I have risen above and become a stronger person...and through years of counseling a better person! 

This event was a march through the downtown DeKalb area. There was a reporter and a photographer from the local newspaper, I'm looking forward to seeing his shots as his camera made me drool...but I am happy with the many shots that I was able to get. 

The attention received by the people on the streets was good. Lots of people picking up the chants and shouting out in support of the march! 

As always, I am very humbled to be in the company of these survivors. 

It's early and I have not yet uploaded the pictures to my computer...I will attempt to do so later today and then put a few on my blog. 

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