Friday, September 21, 2007

The Best Laid Plans.....

Really just don't work out the way you think they might.

Today I'm sitting at work looking at the heap of stuff I have to do from having missed 2 days earlier in the week when I get a call from my landlord....the electrician is able to come out this morning or early in the afternoon....can someone be there or does he have permission to come in....

Okay for starters I'm a weirdo and really hate having people in my house if I'm not there...just how I am...too many years of having a wack job for a stepfather who went through everything of mine.
Also, I have these 2 dogs, one who will lick you to death and the other who is really gentle for the most part but won't let any guys walk in the house and might bite someone he doesn't know or run and hide...I haven't tested the whole thing out so I'm not quite sure how he'd react.

So, I get a lift home from one of the kids that was leaving work. I call him to tell him that I'm home...(he had earlier offered to pick me up but I hate having my landlord giving me rides...that's kind of...ghetto. Plus I didn't really want to ride my bike back again just to change clothes then have to ride back...what a pain in the rear.

Okay, So he says do you want to just put the dogs up and I can give you a lift back to work...okay sounds good but there's still my issue with people being in my house when I'm I say no but thanks...

Now, I'm stuck here until the work is done. I still have to go back to work to get stuff done and I'm super short on hours but don't want to tell my landlord this or sound like a huge here I sit...Hurray...maybe I'll watch Days of Our Lives today since I have nothing else to do until they get here....

Oh, and kudos to my kids for all having made their beds and picked up after themselves this morning. I got home and vacuumed the front room but that was about all the picking up I've had to do...Big Cheers to the kids!

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