Thursday, September 20, 2007

The boy on the bike

Yesterday as I was waiting for the bus to drop off the boys, some college kid was riding his bike along the sidewalk. He came across the street and suddenly his back tire went up over his front tire. He did a SUPERMAN in the air landing on his chin and chest. He jumped up running into the street for help. A girl who was driving by had grabbed her phone and called 911. Poor kid, he was probably only 18 or 19. I gave his mother directions to the hospital. I hope he's okay. I called the hospital to tell them that I was putting his bike in my garage.

Bob looked at the bike last night and thinks his chain locked up on him which could have caused the bike to flip.

Oh yeah, and he wasn't wearing a helmet....yeah they look dorky but they can save a lot of entire chin was ripped open. I'm not sure that having a helmet on would have made a difference in this accident, although it makes one think no matter how quick of a stroll you're taking accidents can happen and better to be safe than sorry!

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