Thursday, September 20, 2007

Feeling Good

I'm not sure if I posted or not about getting a treadmill. I picked one up on FreeCycle (really great idea check it out at Anyway, it needed the belt tightened but that was the only problem with it. Well, hubby finally got that done. I got a run in this morning. It was only a mile, and it wasn't a very fast mile but I got it in. It's amazing to me that my legs can get tired after running just a mile but I can bike 100 and still be walking around...crazy huh?

Anyway, I'm really trying to take all this extra weight off. I'd like to be down to 145 again. I look great at 145 and have actually been accused of being too thin at that weight. So, I'll track my progress on here. Having to give everyone updates is more likely to keep me working hard.

So, there it is for now. Thankfully I think everyone is going to school today, and I'm going to be on my bike and heading to work shortly! WOOHOO~

Sunday is my birthday, I'd like to get a good ride in on Sunday Morning. Gonna see if my riding partner wants to take a spin out the back side of Shabbona and put on maybe 50 or 60 miles before I come home for the day. Gotta log those miles on it's starting to get cold and really windy again.

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