Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Random thoughts on a sleepless night

I tried going to bed but I had a thought that occurred to me about an hour ago and it woke me up immediately from the 15 minutes or so of sleep I was in to ----now I'm wide awake and totally feeling like I'm going to have a panic attack! No, I don't normally have these - just once in a while I totally get freaked out about something and I can't sleep because of it.

So, now here I sit at the computer because there's nothing else to do right now.

I see that someone from Portugal visited my site...that's so cool - considering that I am 100 percent Portuguese! I am stoked and hope they come back and visit often.

I commuted today - it was raining but warm this morning but by afternoon had turned pretty nasty and upon being offered a ride home I took it. So, only a partial commute today. Not sure what will happen for tomorrow.

The Medicaid surveyors are still in the building so my life was again gofer girl....ugh...not quite a manager not quite clueless gets you stuck at being gofer girl! BLAH! Actually, I've learned a lot during this survey already.

The interim administrator told me she thinks I should go get my Administrators License...I find it interesting that so many of the Administrators that have come into the building suggest that to me...I might look into it just to see what all is required.

Welp, I'm off to try going and taking a hot shower and then going back to bed.

Ride safe! Drive Safe----and remember; in Illinois you must give a cyclist on the road 3 feet clearance as you pass them :o) Everyone wants to get home safely at the end of the day!

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