Monday, March 3, 2008

DH's Migraines

Are getting to the point that they are interfering with everyday life. In the past month he has missed work 4 times because of migraines. Don't get me wrong they are horrible, throwing up anytime he moves, light piercing his eyes making him throw up as well...however, in all the years that we've been together I don't think he's missed 4 days of work before because of being ill.

Aside from that his disposition has gone down the drain. I suppose if I had piercing migraines perhaps I'd be a big bear as well...but I don't.

This morning I mentioned that he might need to put gas in my truck (F.Y.I. I didn't drive it at all since last Tuesday). He went off the handle - yelling at me that I was going to make him late for work because I didn't bother to put gas in it - pretty sure that was never my job if I'm not the one driving the damn thing! Then he started saying Cassy isn't going to drive if she's not responsible enough to pay has her permit...she shouldn't have to worry about the gas situation and the only time she drove this weekend he was with her!

I know that he isn't feeling well but purposely taking that out on me is unacceptable! Also, if your migraines are this bad make an appointment and see a doctor! He won't do this though because he's a stubborn ass (I mean that in the nicest way possible)! I'm so angry with him right now I just want to yell!!!

I hope this isn't an indication of how my week is going to go!
Okay, well that's that. I am going to go jump on the treadmill and run a couple miles to burn off some of my own frustration.

Have a great day my friends and be kind to those you love!

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