Thursday, March 13, 2008

Traffic Court Blues

Well today I have the day off - only because I have to go make an appearance in traffic court. I'm making a list now...reasons to get out of the car and ride your bike.

1. Muffler system replacement $500.00 Bike $0.00 Bike 1 point
2. Flat tires $100.00 Bike $20.00 (if you have to buy tube and tire) Bike 1 point
3. Traffic Tickets $200.00...I've never heard of anyone getting a traffic ticket on a bike so Bike $0.00 Bike 1 point

So far the bike is winning!

Pleasantness of this = If court gets out quickly or they call my name and let me leave quickly I can go to the bike shop, get that front hub fixed and then leave and ride the rest of the day away. I had considered cleaning the house but what a waste that would be - everyone's going to just mess it up again - and it's relatively cleaned it just needs to be picked up....they will all live..I'm riding instead (keeping fingers crossed that I'm out of court in less than an hour and that I can stay on track with my day!)

Spring sing is tonight at 6:30 p.m.

Okay I'm taking off! Safe and Happy riding folks!

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