Thursday, March 20, 2008


Well I just finished reading my book about Fatima. Very interesting - a different perspective than I had figured as a lot of the information came from relatives of the visionaries.

I think I'm going to pull out my old favorite 'Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance'

Anyway, now I can't get the italics to stop so guess what? You get to read the rest of my post in italics :)

Yesterday was a stressful day at work - but I really kept my head down and just did my stuff and tried to not get involved in everyone else's crap!

I've got my picks done for the contest at work for March Madness! I love basketball and I did consult my little brother, Danny, for help in my picks...

I've got 174 miles in this year - so I am ahead of where I was last year at this time this includes 16 commutes to/from work. We are supposed to get snow tomorrow (Blah) so we'll see if I commute or not.

The kids start spring break as of this afternoon when they get out of school. Tuesday I'm taking a vacation day to go to Chicago with the boys. We are going to take the train in and then go to the zoo (keeping my fingers crossed for nice weather)!

Okay, so about the 'ZEN' I am really going to work harder on not letting things irritate me to the degree that I have let them in the past. I'm trying not to let others dictate my mood! I'm also going to devote more time to prayer and to relearning the Portuguese language. If you want to know why I no longer know it feel free to ask and I'll explain.

Bom Dia e seja seguro! (good day and be safe)


amidnightrider said...

I can help with your Portuguese language skills.


gabby1 said...

That would be spectacular...I spoke Portuguese before I ever spoke English and it saddens me a great deal that I am no longer able to communicate in that language.