Monday, April 21, 2008

A Gorgeous Weekend

The weekend started out a bit shaky, woke up Saturday to pouring rain. My riding partner called me and didn't really want to head out in it - I can't say that I blame her, we really got soaked a lot last season. So, I decided instead to go to my daughters softball game. As we were heading to the field she got a call from her coach telling her to get to the high school because they had moved the game and were playing out of town instead of in town - the opponents had a nicer field that apparently drains I opted to not drive over an hour to the game. Instead I came home and began to clean house with the boys...we got done pretty quickly as everything just needed a quick dusting and vacuuming. Within an hour of getting home it had stopped raining, the temps had risen considerably, the sun was shining and I decided to head out the back door and get the hard in better shape. So, the boys helped me pick up all the sticks and leaves in the back yard...along with some dog poop that had been missed in recent weeks. We also replanted some of my plants to the front yard. When Bob got home he seemed to like what he was seeing and began helping us, we ended up cutting down some branches that were dead and then started a fire in the fire pit. Gaven went to hang out with Devon so it was the twins, Cassy, Bob and I. Cass was tired and went inside pretty early...that double header wiped her out. The rest of us sat outside around the bon fire with marshmallows and enjoyed ourselves. After the boys went to bed Bob and I made coffee and sat out there for another hour or was really nice.
The moon was beautiful, the fire was crackling, the coffee tasted so good and we didn't really even talk that much, just enjoyed each other's company and a gorgeous night.

Sunday we did more yard work, Bob even planted some grass in the bare patches (I blame the bare patches mainly on the dogs)! :o)

Mom made an early dinner so we headed over there and hung out with my siblings. It was a wonderfully relaxing day. We called it a night around 10 p.m. and hit the hay.

Needless to say there isn't any riding in there - other than the one mile ride Gaven and I did up to the local Mexican Store (it's called The Mexican Store) when I realized I was out of bread Saturday afternoon as I was making sandwiches for everyone. Although I did manage to ride just shy of 95 miles for the week.

Now it's back to the grind. Should be a busy and hectic week at work, and I had a receptionist walk out this weekend so I have to scramble to cover her hours and will probably end up working some of her hours until I get a new girl hired. GGRRR!

Have a great day everyone and Ride Safe!

1 comment:

amidnightrider said...

I just made a post over at bikejournals and read the one just above me. Low and behold some little kid is speaking Portuguese. Nice.